A widely quoted UNEP/ILO green jobs report [1] suggested that the number of green jobs in the world might increase from 2.3 to 20 million from 2006 to 2030, which implies creation of 750,000 green jobs per year (59% in biofuels, 31% in solar PV). China alone would have 4.5 million jobs in wind and solar power by 2020.
Yet, where is the trend going and how far are we from reaching the MDG 1B which states "full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people"? According to various reports we are too far away. "Exacerbated by the global financial crises, labour markets have recently deteriorated, more workers have been
forced into vulnerable employment, and more workers find themselves and their families living in extreme poverty." [2].
Let's hope that policymakers start acting more like entrepreneurs who have to survive in a fierce and competitive global market, thus taking risks and taking responsibility for their actions. The investment they have to make in the future is clear. Now they only need to fulfill their bloated promises. We at The Entrepreneurs' Ship will try to do our best at supporting the aspiring young people in areas with high unemployment rates in realizing entrepreneurial projects, thus creating jobs for themselves and others; to become a part of the solution to their own problem...
Read more details about Rio +20 and their seven goals on their website.
1: UNEP and ILO (2008). "Green jobs: towards decent work in a sustainable, low‐carbon world."
2: Rio 2012 Issues Briefs No 7: "Green Jobs and Social Inclusion"